
This is a blog about learning.

Let me back up.

This is a blog about a lot of things, including but certainly not limited to:

  • the intersection of technology, business and life
  • the experience of entrepreneurship
  • places I’ve been, things I’ve done, and lessons I’ve learned
  • pictures of my cat

They take away your blogging license if you don’t have some pictures of your cat.

Mostly, it’s a blog about my life, the life of a guy living in Boston who hates having to say “I don’t know.” The things I write about tend to flow from my background: my roots in rural PA, my undergrad in journalism at Syracuse, my work as a web developer for various small companies and near-startups, the MBA I earned from Boston University, and my current work as a freelance IT consultant.

It’s not all essays on management strategy, though. You’ll find the odd piece of short fiction in the archives, and I have a soft spot for perennial Internet favorite “lists of things.” It’s not a humor website, but I try to keep a light voice.

After numerous attempts to stick to a regular schedule, I’m currently trying to update with frequent brief articles and occasional longer articles. Check back often or sign up for the RSS feed.

I sincerely hope that what I write is interesting, and leads you to think, to question, and perhaps to do some learning of your own. Or at least to avoid doing work for another half-hour.


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